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What is your loss?

Loss is an unavoidable part of life. It can be experienced in many forms other than the loss of a loved one. Let’s look at the definition of “loss.” According to Merriam Webster it is:

  • the act or fact of being unable to keep or maintain something or someone.

Examples of this are blood loss, hair loss, loss of a body part.

  • the harm or privation resulting from losing or being separated from someone or something.

An example of “someone” is losing a loved one. An example of “something” is losing a friendship.

The term “grief” can occur after loss. Grief is deep sorrow, sadness. It is the response to the loss of someone or something important. Grief follows certain events that take place in our lives. These events may include the loss of a:

  • job,

  • home,

  • marriage,

  • good health,

  • finances,

  • friendship,

  • business,

  • material possession,

  • pet.

Just to name a few.

No matter what kind of loss it is, it can be a difficult time for anyone involved. Our “Life Beyond” grief and loss journal can easily be geared towards whatever loss you have encountered in your life. You can make it your own. With loss being a difficult and heartbreaking experience, you are invited to use this space that we have provided for you to share your experiences and help others find healing.

What is your loss? How did you cope with it? Do you have any encouraging words you would like to share with others who may be encountering a loss right now? By sharing your story of loss, we can all find comfort and strength.

Share in the comments below!

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;”
“Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 King James Version (KJV)
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1 Comment

Bev Vinson
Bev Vinson
Jan 03

I never really connected grief with some of the events that you mentioned. Great explanation that you gave about the process. You have a great gift that God has allowed you to share with the world. May God bless continue to bless you.

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